Author: Manfred Hofer

VMworld 2014 Europe – Sunday

I arrived at Barcelona with some delay because there was a lot of traffic up in the air. Also this “traffic jam” causes a much longer delay at the luggage retrieval because it started 45...

#vBreakfast at VMworld Europe

At VMworld US there is always a traditional vBreakfast at Mel’s Diner invented by Shane Williford. So Jane Rimmer, Pietro Piutti and Andres Prieto discussed on twitter that there should also be a #vBreakfast for...

The third time is the charm – Moving on!

Since 2005 I have been employed by VMware solution & service provider partners and I have learned a lot about all the different VMware products. Over time virtualization especially with VMware took more and more part...

vCenter Database running full

I had this problem several times in the last few months. In a small environment the customer is using SQL 2008 R2 Express Edition for their vCenter database. When using SQL 2008 R2 Express...

VMworld EMEA 2014 Tips & Tricks

With VMworld EMEA 2 months away and VMworld US kicking in in 1 week I thought I can give some Tips/Tricks/advice that I’ve learned over my last 5 VMworlds. Some of these are general for...

Hey Dude where’s my NIC?

Today I was at a customer site and the customer told my a really strange story and I don’t know if everybody else is/was aware of the following behavior. But first of all the story. He was...