VMworld 2014 Europe – Wrap-up Monday

After a really awesome vRockstar Party on Sunday, VMworld was official started with the Partner Day for VMware Partners and also the TAM (Technical Account Manager) Day for TAM customers. We arrived at 8:30 at the conference center and tried to get some breakfast there. Unfortunately there was only a small Cafe within the Fira where we had to pay for our breakfast. I remembered that at the last Partner Day in 2013 there was breakfast for the Partners. Also none of the beverage boxes where opened at that point. Little bit upset I joined the VMUG HOL VIP Tour I had registered for.

The VIP Tour was really good because you got a little bit of inside what was happening in the Hand on Labs during the whole conference. The HOL where all hosted in either the Amsterdam or Santa Clara datacenter. The Amsterdam datacenter was build of legacy servers and storage. According to the HOL architects the whole infrastructure was backed by a 5 rack storage infrastructure in the last years. Now ONLY! a 12U EMC XtremeIO box was used! What an impressive change of consolidation. The datacenter in Santa Clara was build upon EVO:RACK. If you don’t know what EVO:RACK is please visit this site for more information. The complete infrastructure was monitored by vRealize Operations Manager and vRealize Log Insight. I was told that over the complete conference Log Insight would gather 2 billion entries. We saw during the Tour that there were already 500 million entries captured. The deployment process is done via vCloud Director. The self service portal where you can request a specific Lab is a self-developed application which properly could be available for purchase in the near future.

After the tour I had a cool conversation with Joe Silvagi (@VMPrime) about his VCDX defence which was a week before the conference in Palo Alto.
On of the best moments at this day was when somebody came over to me because he saw my button on my friends backpack, recognised the blog on it and told me he is a regular reader of it. These are the moments I realise that my hard work pays off.
Going back to the registration desks I found out why there was all beverage boxes locked. I missed the Partner Day area between the registration desks! I tried to get in but was rejected. A lovely lady told me that when attending the conference with a blogger pass you can’t join the Partner Day session, even though you are a partner, because it could be that there is some NDA information, VMware wouldn’t want you to blog about. Hey when I’m a partner I already have signed an NDA agreement. Maybe there can be an update on the blogger pass for next year.
The rest of the day I spend at the hang space doing some bog posts etc. On 4pm I joined the EMC/Avnet party at the Camp Nou. It was really cool because I had an Tour through the whole stadium.

Camp Nou Stadium Tour

I left the party at 8:30 because I was also registered for the VMUG members party as well as for the PernixData Party. PernixData party took place at the Ocana club and it was a really cool location. There I had great conversations with Gabriel Chapman (@Bacon_is_King, Amy Lewis (@Commsninja) and Frank Denneman (@FrankDenneman) and it was really funny to watch the teasing between Amy and Frank. One of the best quotes according to my “Frank! Amy will be one of your coffin nails” was “One? No! All! 🙂 I also get the chance to see how this “awesome” photos of Josh Atwell (@Josh_Atwell) were created and all started with a BAD IDEA.

In the end I also had the chance to talk to Erik Sloof (@esloof), Marek Zdrojewski (@MarekDotZ), Pietro Piutti (@stingray92) and Francesco Bonetti (@fbonez).
After an awesome day we got back to the hotel at 1:30am to get same sleep before we started the next day with a vBreakfast.

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