59 Search results

For the term "vmworld".

vExpert award and how it advanced my career

In the beginning I started with virtualization back in 2007 when Virtual Infrastructure 3.5 was released. During that time I also came across bloggers like Duncan Epping and Frank Denneman. I read everything they...

VeeamOn 2019 – Day 2

Some weeks befor VeeamON, Brian Knudtson was asking about some #vCommunity events happing at VeeamOn. I jumped onto this and included Shane Williford in this Tweet and suggested #vBreakfast. Thanks to Shane he found...

What’s new in Virtual SAN (VSAN) 6.1

Virtual SAN 6.1 was announced today at VMworld US. Starting with VSAN 6.1 the product cycle is decoupled from the vSphere release cycle. This means, as with VSAN 6.1, a new VSAN version was released...