Category: VMworld

What’s new in Virtual SAN (VSAN) 6.1

Virtual SAN 6.1 was announced today at VMworld US. Starting with VSAN 6.1 the product cycle is decoupled from the vSphere release cycle. This means, as with VSAN 6.1, a new VSAN version was released...

VMworld 2014 Europe – Wrap-up Tuesday

My day at VMworld Day 2 started at 6:30 because we (Austrian “Gang”) wanted to participate in the vBreakfast. We found the Cafe near the Fira on time. Unfortunately we were the only one there....

VMworld 2014 Europe – Wrap-up Monday

After a really awesome vRockstar Party on Sunday, VMworld was official started with the Partner Day for VMware Partners and also the TAM (Technical Account Manager) Day for TAM customers. We arrived at 8:30...

VMworld 2014 Europe – Sunday

I arrived at Barcelona with some delay because there was a lot of traffic up in the air. Also this “traffic jam” causes a much longer delay at the luggage retrieval because it started 45...

#vBreakfast at VMworld Europe

At VMworld US there is always a traditional vBreakfast at Mel’s Diner invented by Shane Williford. So Jane Rimmer, Pietro Piutti and Andres Prieto discussed on twitter that there should also be a #vBreakfast for...

VMworld EMEA 2014 Tips & Tricks

With VMworld EMEA 2 months away and VMworld US kicking in in 1 week I thought I can give some Tips/Tricks/advice that I’ve learned over my last 5 VMworlds. Some of these are general for...